2020-21 Tampa Bay Charity Register: A Letter from Jack Gordon

Brought to you by MANEY | GORDON Trial Lawyers

by Jack Gordon -- October 2024

Individual giving is the biggest source of funding for charities of all kinds across the country. And events are one of the best ways for organizations to connect face-to-face with potential donors, making personal connections to show how and where their money is going to work. A 2018 cross-generational study found 56% of people attend events as part of their charitable giving.

Obviously, in a COVID world, it’s simply not possible to safely host a big gala, dinner or party. Couple the pandemic with the economic crisis, and charities need your help more than ever. On the following pages, you’ll read about Tampa Bay-area nonprofit organizations that are still doing all they can to help our community — whether it’s helping to defeat disease, to provide clothes to children in need, or to ensure there will be arts and culture to come back to when this crisis passes.

Be sure to read closely. While Tampa Bay’s event season has been disrupted, many charities are adapting by hosting virtual events or alternative, socially distanced, options. Please note that each listing includes information about how the charity is modifying its events, as well as how you can contribute and make donations. At the end of the register, you’ll find a list of other local nonprofit organizations that may not be holding events but can certainly still benefit from your assistance.

There has never been a more important time to give what you can to charity.

As we’ve all learned this year, plans can change on a dime. So stay tuned to the websites and social media channels of these charities (as well as tampamagazines.com/charity-register) for event changes, postponements and cancellations.

Our local nonprofits continue to be there for the Tampa Bay community in its hour of need. Now it’s our turn to be there for them. It is my pleasure to present the 2020-21 Tampa Magazines Charity Register. Click here to begin.

— Jack Gordon, Attorney at Law
Board Certified Civil Trial Lawyer

My Favorite Charity

Power Forward Inc.

Founded by two-time Stanley Cup champion, three-time NHL All-Star, U.S. Hall of Fame inductee and Olympian Kevin Stevens, along with his sister, Kelli Wilson, Power Forward emerged from Stevens’ 25-year battle with addiction... Read More