A 5,000 square-foot humidor of the finest and rarest cigars in the world; a fully stocked bar featuring the most selective and complex spirits available; indoor and outdoor lounge seating in a clean and state-of-the-art building. This might not be heaven, but for the cigar aficionado it’s pretty close.
Davidoff of Geneva, the foremost purveyor of luxury cigars in the world, has partnered with Jeff Borysiewicz, owner of Orlando-based Corona Cigar Company, to create Davidoff of Geneva Tampa, “the ultimate cigar experience,” where every detail is hand selected for its quality, rarity and flavor.
Borysiewicz sat down with TAMPA Magazine to discuss picking the right ‘stick’ and pairing it with a drink that complements and invigorates it.
“If you walked in a cigar store and I asked you, ‘what kind of cigar are you in the mood for,’ generally we ask mild, medium or strong,” Borysiewicz said. “Even if you’ve never smoked a cigar before, you know whether you want something mild, medium or strong. It’s like asking if you want chicken wings – mild, medium or hot. Start with the cigar first, then start selecting different spirits.”
Though an expert staff is on hand to guide you through the overwhelming selection – you could visit over 100 times and never try the same thing twice – only you know what kind of pairing you’re in the mood for. “When it comes to the ‘ultimate cigar experience,’ it’s about you having the ultimate cigar experience, not us,” Borysiewicz added.
Cigar: Davidoff Corona Cigar 20th Anniversary cigar
Drink: Davidoff XO Cognac
Created to celebrate Corona Cigar Company’s 20th anniversary, this cigar uses Florida Sun Grown tobacco grown on Corona’s farm in Clermont, Florida. The sweetness of the Davidoff cognac pairs perfectly with this medium-bodied cigar.
Cigar: Davidoff Year of the Monkey
Drink: Jack Daniels Single Barrel Old Fashioned
The Exclusive Jack Daniels Single Barrel Old Fashioned is muddled with real juice and features real lime, orange and cherries and no simple syrup – just real sugar cubes. Pairs with Davidoff Year of the Monkey, which is medium-bodied. The Dominican tobacco has a totally different flavor profile than the Nicaraguan tobacco.
Cigar: Davidoff Tampa Exclusive Cigar
Drink: Flor de Caña Maduro Mojito
The Davidoff Tampa Exclusive Cigar is a mild and creamy cigar. It pairs well with the Flor de Caña Maduro Mojito. This mojito is different than the norm because it features a more extensively aged seven-year dark rum.
Cigar: Davidoff Escurio
Drink: Laphroaig Single Malt Scotch
For those that appreciate a full-body combination of spirits and cigars, the Davidoff Escurio fits the bill. The cigar features Brazilian tobacco in the blend, which makes it a little stronger. It pairs nicely with Lahroaig Single Malt Scotch, which is also about as full-bodied as you can get when it comes to single malt scotch. It is very distinctive – the whiskey itself smells like a campfire.
Cigar: Davidoff Nicaragua
Drink: Old School Four Roses Manhattan
Smoking a cigar stronger than you’re ready for can lead to a bad experience. Not so with the Davidoff Nicaragua, a solid, medium-body cigar with a well-balanced and robust flavor, perfectly complemented by an Old School Four Roses Manhattan – single barrel bourbon whiskey exclusively selected for the Davidoff of Tampa store.
Cigar: FSG by Drew Estate
Drink: Highland Park Single Malt Scotch
This rich, medium-bodied cigar has the unique flavor of Florida Sun Grown tobacco that pairs perfectly with the slightly smoky flavor of Highland Park.
Cigar: Davidoff Oro Blanco
Drink: Macallan 60 Year-Old Single Malt Scotch
At $500 per cigar, Oro Blanco is Davidoff’s most expensive and rarest cigar. At $2,500 an ounce, the Macallan 60 is one of the rarest and most expensive scotches in the world. The custom-cut glass Davidoff humidor was created by world renowned French artist Daniel Clement for the über luxurious Art Basel fair and is available for purchase for $13,500.