Brought to you by Faces of South Tampa
The past decade’s massive advances in technology haven’t been limited to smartphones, electric cars and artificial intelligence. There are more high-tech cosmetic treatments than ever, and best of all, their increasing effectiveness decreases your need to go in for more invasive procedures. “Our team is excited to offer the newest aesthetic technology to our patients in 2020,” says Caitlin Gorman, APRN-C, a nurse practitioner at Faces of South Tampa. “Our practice focuses on non-surgical aesthetic treatments, so we are continually researching the most effective treatments and the best options to offer our patients.” Here are five of the treatments Gorman and the team at Faces of South Tampa are using to give patients a youthful, refreshed look this New Year.
Combining microneedling with radio frequency (RF) technology, Morpheus8 is the first and only full-body fractional technology for collagen remodeling. It “morphs” the skin’s building blocks to contour the face and body without invasive surgery. “The Morpheus8® treatment is a good step for patients who are not yet ready for a facelift but want the appearance of a tighter and younger face,” says Gorman. To help reduce potential anxiety and discomfort during the treatment, Faces also offers PRO-NOX™. “It’s a patient-controlled inhaled analgesia that takes effect in seconds,” Gorman says. “PRO-NOX™ is a safe and effective 50-50 mix of oxygen and nitrous oxide that has been used around the world in labor and delivery for decades and dissipates out of the system within seconds of the last inhale.”
Fear of needles? No more. “The AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ is a first of its kind delivery system: a microchannel infuser that is used to transform your skin and give a more youthful, glowing appearance. It is designed to effectively microinject a custom “cocktail” of products just under the dermis,” Gorman says. The microchannels are thinner than a human hair, which means treatments are essentially pain-free and are perfect for delicate, sensitive skin, like the areas around the eyes and mouth. Gorman says AQUAGOLD® fine touch™ can be used to treat skin dullness, discoloration, redness, fine lines and wrinkles, acne scars, dark circles, large pores and more.
New from the team behind CoolSculpting®, CoolTone™ takes body contouring one step further by using magnetic muscle stimulation technology to penetrate beneath the fat layer and strengthen, tone and firm the abs, buttock and thigh muscles. Each treatment is 30 minutes in duration and triggers rapid muscle contractions similar to that of doing thousands of sit-ups or squats. “This is a great option if you’re envisioning a more toned stomach, a firmer butt and tighter thighs,” Gorman says. “The addition of CoolTone™ helps complete your body contouring goals. We use CoolSculpting® to reduce pockets of stubborn body fat and then CoolTone™ to create sculpted abs and a lifted backside.”
For another facelift-like option that doesn’t require major surgery, Gorman recommends NovaThreads™. The PDO sutures are placed under the skin, gently lifting, contouring and volumizing the skin. “NovaThreads can be used anywhere on the body, including the jaw, neck, elbows, knees, chest and abdomen,” Gorman says. “This is one of the first non-invasive options that is really effective to lift those areas and make them look more youthful.”
The collagen stimulator Sculptra® Aesthetic is not limited to use in the face. “Because Sculptra helps stimulate collagen growth, it can be used wherever you have lost structure or volume, including the cheeks, jaw line, temples, chin and even the buttocks,” Gorman says. It can even be used in a non-surgical butt lift to improve the volume and texture of the buttocks.
Nurse practitioner at Faces of South Tampa