The Man Behind the Woman of Tampa Bay Total Wellness
The Man Behind the Woman of Tampa Bay Total Wellness
300 S. Hyde Park Ave., Suite 210
Tampa, FL
(813) 609-4150
Tami Oberbroeckling met the love of her life on an online dating website four years ago. She knew he was someone special. She remembers Larry saying early on, “I don’t know much about this longevity thing you do, but I want in!” Tami, always up for a challenge, was ready to give him the complete health makeover he deserved!
Larry, with a bad family history of heart disease and diabetes, was already on 5 different prescription drugs, overweight and pre-diabetic, with high cholesterol, severe foot and ankle swelling, and struggled with snoring and sleep apnea.
She began with comprehensive blood work and quickly began making small but vital changes. He started with testosterone replacement therapy, electrolyte balancing, GLP-1 medications, and thyroid supplementation.
Larry is currently down 35 lbs, his cholesterol dropped 65 points, he has no ankle swelling, and he threw out his CPAP machine. Larry is on no prescription drugs. His bloodwork shows normal lab values and a complete reversal of all the previous abnormalities.
Larry states, “For 15 years I sought help from traditional medicine, and Tami, now my wife, had me fixed in just 6 weeks!”
300 S. Hyde Park Ave., Suite 210, Tampa, FL
Tampa, FL