Published December 3, 2014
Her father founded The Elan Group in 1986, and Suzy got her first job in the company at just 13. Today, she’s vice president of the worksite employee benefit firm.
Philanthropic efforts:
Suzy is the membership vice president of the Junior League of Tampa. She’s spent the last 13 years assisting with their charitable efforts.
When I’m not in the office:
I love to cook!
Beat meal in town:
The 1905 salad at The Columbia
Why South Tampa:
I Grew up in South Tampa. I lived in Atlanta for 4 years, and when my husband and I got engaged I continued to work for Elan Group but decided to move home.
Where do you take out-of-town guests to really show off city:
I live off Bayshore, so naturally we drive down there. If they have kids, I take them to Ballast Point Park. When we do go out, I’ll take them to Ulele for dinner and I.C. Sharks for a drink.
Motto: My grandmother had one that I live by:
Try to have a little fun today.
If you could nominate someone else for this recognition:
If I could pick anyone else to win this award, it would be Caroline. She is the manager of Client Services at Beck, serves on the Leadership Council as the Membership Manager for The Junior League of Tampa, is a Guardian ad Litem, and serves on the board at the Salvation Army. Caroline has also graduated from Leadership Tampa. She is a rockstar!
Mentor/role model: It’s my dad.
I’ve worked for him, and with him, my whole life. He’s taught me everything we need to know about our business. He’s kind and generous and has a great work ethic. I just adore him. I’ve spent my whole life trying to be more like him.
What would you do if you weren’t doing this:
I would love to work in the front office of a pro football team, like the Bucs.
Best thing I can cook:
I do a really good homemade spaghetti sauce. I’ll even make my own pasta. I’ll do that with a homemade Caesar salad and everyone seems to like it.
Guilty mall pleasure:
Anything from Penelope T on Bay to Bay.
Favorite movie:
Gone With The Wind
Favorite album:
Abbey Road, The Beatles
How I spend the holidays:
We do Christmas eve at my house and Christmas morning at my parents. We also celebrate Hanukkah because my husband is Jewish.
New year’s resolution:
To create a wall gallery with my digital pictures. (I keep saying that but all our family pics live on the cloud and it is time they make their way into our home!)
Dream vacation:
Venice. I’ve never been and I really want to go. It’s on my list. My parents did a lot of traveling when I was kid, so I want to do that with our son, Max.
If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive:
I’d have dinner with my grandparents one more time.